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  • March General Meeting and Presentation

March General Meeting and Presentation

  • 03/12/2025
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Applewood Valley United Methodist Church, 2035 Ellis St Golden, CO 80401


Marylee Hagen - Presenter

Get ready to be a detective! My daughter was adopted as a baby and birth parents were unknown. Until original birth certificates were opened in January 2018 in Colorado, it remained a mystery for years. If we had health records, it would have saved us so many heartaches. I used many different techniques to finally locate her parents as they did not do DNA. I want other people to know about what is and is not available in Colorado and other states. Many of these ideas can also work for finding any lost person in your life!


Credentials: - BA & MA Education University of Northern Colorado, Genealogical Researcher since 1995, Program Presenter since 2002 Research - United States, Norwegian, Irish, Adoption Information & Records

Extensive travel and research in Ireland and Norway Sons of Norway Highlands Ranch Lodge member 29 years - President, Genealogy and Cultural Skills Coordinators.

W.I.S.E. Family History Society Past Ireland Representative, given several programs for W.I.S.E, Organizer and Presenter: Colorado Irish Festival

GENEALOGY Memberships: Colorado Genealogy Society, W.I.S.E. Family History Society, Columbine Genealogy Society (VP -Programs), SON Genealogy Norwegian Group and several Genealogy Societies and Historical Museums in South Dakota.

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