Cemetery Details for Clear Creek, Gilpin, Jefferson, and Park Counties in Colorado.

The following database contains details about cemeteries for the four counties gathered by Foothills Genealogical Society members.  The cemetery details include information about the specific cemetery, directions to the cemetery,  and photos and maps where available. 

How to use this database:

You can search by using any of the search fields and then clicking on the Quick Search button.  The results of the search will be displayed.  If you use more than one search field, the search criteria will evaluate both fields.  As such, it may be best to start with one search field and then add additional criteria to narrow the search.  For example, search for cemetery, then surname.  

Note the search field is a drop down.  You can change the search criteria for each field.  

If you would like to provide correcting or additional information about a cemetery details, please send your request to info@foothillsgenealogy.org.  Our goal is to provide accurate information about the cemeteries and burial records in the four counties.

Please contact Foothills Genealogy at info@foothillsgenealogy.org with any questions or comments.   

Click on the following links for a quick tutorial on how to use the Cemetery Database.

How to Use the Cemetery Database

Click on the following link to view details about Cemeteries


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