Upcoming events

    • 04/09/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Applewood Valley United Methodist Church, 2035 Ellis St Golden, CO 80401 - Zoom Session Available

    In Women of the Colorado Gold Rush Era, authors J.v.L. Bell and Jan Gunia present the lives of ten unforgettable women who called Colorado home during the turbulent years of the Pikes Peak Gold Rush. The collection of biographies reveals the heroism of Native American, Hispanic, Anglo, and African American women whose perseverance, hard work, and wisdom helped lay the foundation for the state of Colorado. In their presentations (usually in PowerPoint format), the authors discuss their reasons for writing the work, their methods of research, an overview of Colorado pioneer women’s lives, and the highlights of two or more of the biographies.


    J.v.L. Bell has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Colorado State University and an M.A. from Colorado School of Mines. She loves writing and researching Colorado history, and in 2015 she left engineering and sold her first Colorado historical mystery, The Lucky Hat Mine, to the Hansen Publishing Group. Women of the Colorado Gold Rush Era is her fifth publication. She lives in Westcliffe.

    Jan Gunia, a Colorado native, has a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and is a member of Kappa Tau Alpha, the national honor society for journalism and mass communication. Her passion for nineteenth century Colorado women’s history began in elementary school and continues to this day. Her extensive research of Colorado pioneers has taken her beyond Colorado to Maine and Kansas, where she visited Augusta Tabor’s former home and the Tabor land, respectively. She lives in Broomfield with her husband and Boston Terrier.

Past events

03/12/2025 March General Meeting and Presentation
02/12/2025 Spinning Through Time: Exploring the Rich History of Colorado’s Carousel
01/08/2025 Using Artificial Intelligence for Genealogy Research Presentation
12/11/2024 General Meeting and Opening Up the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Presentation
11/13/2024 November General Meeting
10/17/2024 Olinger Crown Hill Cemetery Tour
10/14/2024 British Institute, International Society for British Genealogy and Family History!
10/09/2024 October General Meeting - Battle of the Bulge Presentation
09/11/2024 Women's Records: Researching the World of Our Female Ancestors
05/08/2024 FhGS May Show & Tell - 2nd Annual
05/08/2024 May FhGS Luncheon - General Meeting
04/23/2024 FhGS Broomfield Veterans Museum Tour
04/10/2024 Denver Public Library Presentation
03/27/2024 FhGS Website Class
03/13/2024 What's in a local history museum?
02/29/2024 FhGS Website Cemetery Database Zoom Class
02/14/2024 Sarah LeVan's Quilt
01/23/2024 Using Social History for Genealogy
01/10/2024 Denver’s Four Lost Amusement Parks
12/13/2023 20th Century Military Records Zoom Only
11/28/2023 Why Would They Put It Online If They Didn't Want Me to Use It?: Copyright Issues for Genealogy
11/08/2023 What in the World is Find-a-Grave?
10/11/2023 Quaker Records
09/19/2023 Voting Records: Genealogy's Best Kept Secret
09/13/2023 1950 Census Presentation
09/13/2023 FhGS Website Cemetery Database Overview Zoom Session Available
05/17/2023 FhGS Tour May 17 Golden History Museum and History Park
05/10/2023 FhGS May General Meeting & Luncheon, Show and Tell Presentations
04/25/2023 Attics and Archives, Or What You Will Miss if You're Stuck Like Glue to Ancestry
04/12/2023 Sandstone, St. Vrain and the Sand Creek Massacre
03/21/2023 Documentation & Citation: Keep Calm and Cite Your Sources!
03/08/2023 Getting to Know Uncle Moses
02/08/2023 Denver's Manhattan Beach Amusement Park
01/11/2023 Researching the History of Your Home
12/14/2022 Introduction to MyHeritage Features and Technologies
11/19/2022 How to Get Research Help at FamilySearch.org
11/09/2022 A History Hoptopia
10/12/2022 The Boulder Pioneers Project: Lessons in Community-Wide Genealogical Research
09/20/2022 Researching Ancestral Locations in Prussian Genealogy Records
09/14/2022 The Leadville Irish
05/11/2022 Community Archaeology at Amache, Colorado's Japanese American Confinement Camp
04/13/2022 19th Century America: Cultural Changes and Their Effects on Records.
03/22/2022 Making Sense of the Shambles: Organizational Tools for Genealogy
03/09/2022 The 1918 Influenza Pandemic and its Effect on Our American Ancestors
02/09/2022 Paper Trails: The US Post and the Making of the American West
02/08/2022 Unlocking Notation Codes on Alien Passenger Lists
01/18/2022 Researching Before 1850
01/12/2022 Colorado's Ignominious Days Under the Ku Klux Klan
12/08/2021 Spies, Slackers, and Aliens: The American Protective League
12/06/2021 Parishes, Priests, and Signs of the Sacred: Catholic Church Records
11/30/2021 Connect the Dots Using Timelines, Identity Charts, and FAN Club Charts.
11/10/2021 The Bad Old Days of Colorado - The Outlaws, Renegades and Dissolute
10/26/2021 Extending Your Research Beyond Online - The Other 90%
10/13/2021 Genealogy Pit Stop: Research in 15 minute Increments
09/28/2021 Ancestry.com Tips and Tricks - Rerun
09/08/2021 What's Inside the Family History Guide
07/20/2021 Researching Your Ancestor in Periodicals
05/12/2021 General Meeting and Program "Locating Images of Ancestors: Putting a Face With That Name" by Andrew Likins
04/27/2021 Family Tree Maker - Inputting Sources and Citations
04/14/2021 General Meeting and Program "Quilting Your Family History" by Kathy Emmel
03/16/2021 Foothills Class - Getting Started with Family Tree Maker
03/15/2021 Wild Apricot Tour Preparation
02/22/2021 Foothills Round Table - Genealogy on a Budget
02/18/2021 Foothills Class - German Research
01/19/2021 Foothills Class - Too Many Marys
01/13/2021 General Meeting - January 13, 2021

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